
Central Falls Dam

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 3 months ago

Upstream: Worthville Road Bridge


Central Falls Dam


Downstream: Old Liberty Road Bridge


The cotton mill was originally built in 1881 and came to be owned by the Worthville Manufacturing Company. Swain (1899) says the wooden dam here was 9 feet high and 325 feet long backing water all the way up to Worth Manufacturing’s other site at Worthville. Fox (1993) reports that when the Worthville and Central Falls mills were both owned by the same company, a boat was used to ship goods between the two mills and that passengers sometimes traveled on the boat as well.


The mill is still present just below the Old Liberty Road Bridge, but the dam is apparently buried beneath the backwaters of the Cox Dam (mile 84-5). In 1914, Central Falls Mills, Inc. was formed and ran this mill (Asheboro Courier, 1-18-1918).


I have paddled from here to US-64 in Ramseur.


Areas for Research

  • When was this first built?

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