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Franklinville Lower Dam

Page history last edited by PBworks 15 years, 10 months ago

Upstream: Pedestrian Bridge


80-2 Franklinville Lower Dam


Downstream: US 64 Bridge


According to the Asheboro Courier (1-18-1918), Island Ford Mills was organized in 1863. Fox (1979) says Island Ford Manufacturing was organized in 1845. Swain (1899) says that Randolph Manufacturing Co. had an 8 foot high, 400 foot long stone dam here with a 100 yard long race. The dam is now in ruins and the foundation of former mill building is still apparent. The 1990 B grade film ‘Escape’ features scenes of the abandoned Randolph Manufacturing Company mill back in the day when the building was abandoned, but still standing. This spot had been a traditional ford for many years, obviously known as Island Ford. Ferguson says this can be run on the left.


Saville (1924) calls this dam Randolph Mills dam #2.


Areas for Research

When was this first built?

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