
Jackson Falls

Page history last edited by Mark Chilton 15 years, 11 months ago

Upstream: NC 22 Bridge (High Falls)

Up Buffalo Creek: J H Ritter Mill


45-9 Jackson Falls


Downstream: Hancock-Tyser Falls



W. K Jackson’s gristmill had an 8 foot high wood and stone dam. This dam was at a place called Prosperity.


Branson's Business Directory for 1894 said that Prosperity has "one church, a flour and corn mill, fine water power, and a splendid bridge over the Deep river."


Prosperity is shown about 1/2 mile below Buffalo Creek by Wicker (1956), who also indicates that that was the location of Island Ford. Swain (1880) says that Propserity Mill was 3 miles downstream of High Falls. He says that the dam was 10 feet high, wood and stone, 275 feet long.


Saville (1924) shows a shoal here and also shows Jackson Ford just below. Koster says that the Jackson Bridge was here as well. "The mill was a one story building with vertical siding and a wood-shingled roof."

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