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Upstream: Gulf Dam
Up Pocket Creek: Gilliam Mill
UP Patterson Creek: Gilmore Mill
Downstream: Southern Railway Trestle
This location is shown as Evans Bridge by Brazier (1833).
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xxx.x West Fork: Willard Mill 4
xxx.x East Fork: Lamb Mill 2 3
111.8 High Point Lake Dam
109.5 Oakdale Manf Co Mill
xxx.x Sanders Mill
xxx.x Richland Ck: Bunday Mill 3
104.3 Freeman’s Mill Dam
xxx.x Harris Mill
100.6 Coltrane’s Mill
96.5 Vickrey Mill
xx.x Muddy Ck: Fraser Mill 1
94.5 Walker’s Gristmill
93.0 Randleman Dam
91.2 Union Factory (Randleman)
90.7 Naomi Falls
xx.x Polecat Ck: Hockett Mill 5
88.8 Worthville Dam
xx.x Central Falls Dam
84.7 Cox Lake Dam
83.5 Cedar Falls Dam
82.7 The Cedar Falls Lower Mill
xx.x Bush Creek: Routh Mill
81.0 Franklinville Upper Dam
80.2 Franklinville Lower Dam
xx.x Sandy Ck: Trogden Mill 9?
78.5 Ogle Mill
77.6 Columbia Manf (Ramseur)
xx.x Mill Ck:Thomas Cox Mill 2
xx.x Millstone Ck: Harmon Cox Mill 1
69.5 Enterprise Mills (Coleridge)
xx.x Richland Ck: Moffitt Mill 6
xx.x Brush Ck: Hodson Mill 7
xx.x Fork Ck: Enoch Spinks Mill 6
56.8 Howard and Moffet’s Mill
xx.x Grassy Ck: J Maness Mill
54.3 Ritter’s Falls
xx.x Bear Ck: Reynolds Mill 16
xx.x Fall Ck: Brady Mill 1
50.3 High Falls Dam
xx.x Buffalo Ck: J H Ritter Mill 2
45.9 Jackson Falls
40.8 Hancock-Tyser Falls
39.6 Glenn Falls
xx.x Mclendons Ck: George W Reynolds Mill 7
xx.x Governors Ck: Mciver Sawmill 1
28.1 Carbonton Dam
21.9 Gulf Dam
xx.x Pocket Ck: Gilliam Mill 3
xx.x Patterson's Ck: Gilmore Mill 1
15.5 Fish Trap
12.9 Farrishes’ Lock and Dam
6.8 Rocky River Henley Mill 23
x.x L. Buffalo Ck: No Name Mill 3 1
6.4 Clegg’s Lock and Dam
4.0 Bryant’s Lock and Dam
3.3 Lockville Dam
0.0 Mermaid Point
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